Saturday, November 5, 2011


Things I learned about the baby this week:

1. Halloween is full of cute. It was a lot of work, but on the upside, I don't think she minded her costume at all.

2. Mali likes pickles. I eat a lot of sour things myself, so maybe that's why? She sucked on the end of a pickle my mom gave her until almost nothing was left. She didn't even make a face.

3. My baby thinks I'm funny. This is quite an accomplishment, since I don't normally consider myself a comedienne. James is the funny one. But Mali laughs at everything. She's so sweet. Big chuckles until I think she's going to lose her breath. We like to laugh in our house.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A few weeks ago we went to the pumpkinLinkpatch with my brother's family and had a blast. I wrote more about it for, my new gig, but here are some pictures of all the fun we had :) I cannot wait to show you Mali's Halloween costume next week either!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sitting Pretty

The sitting up unassisted is coming along! I still feel like I need to prop pillows around her or hover in order to be ready to catch her, but she can definitely sit on her own for a minute or more if she doesn't get too excited and start moving/wobbling around.

The adorable headband is courtesy of my friend Rebecca at Lots of fun baby stuff over there.

We're anxiously awaiting the birth of Mali's friend Ruby. I'm hoping she isn't giving her momma too hard a time!

Friday, October 7, 2011


My original goal was to post here once a week, but luckily things have been super busy lately, so I'm finding it hard to stick to that goal. On the good news front, I'm going to be a professional blogger for, a new website promoting local, healthy food, connecting farmers with consumers and showcasing local restaurants and markets. So far I've interviewed a turkey farmer and purchased organic apples for making baby food, and it's been a lot of fun. The website launches officially in November, so I'll keep you posted.

Baby food making is going great. Mali still loves her sweet potatoes, but she also really likes peas. We get to try the apples tomorrow, so I hope she likes them too. The biggest problem with baby food is the stains. She now spits up orange, drools orange, and mushes her face and hands into her clothing to cover them in orange. I think I need to buy some stock in Oxiclean.

Mali's getting close to sitting up on her own. She can go for a few seconds at a time, but then the wobbles set in. Also, in one day this week she learned to say Ba, Ma, and Da! I don't think she's associating those sounds with us yet, but the fact she can make them means we're getting closer!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Good Eats

Mali's 6-month checkup went really well for the most part. She's in the 75th percentile for height and head circumference and hitting most of the markers she's supposed to be development-wise. The only issue might be her weight. She eats great and is a happy baby, but for some reason she's not getting chubby -- she's down from the 12th percentile to the 10th. Dr. Habeeb wasn't super concerned yet, but wants to keep an eye on her weight over the next month as she starts real food. Maybe she'll just be one of the lucky tall and skinny people?

But, like I said, she's a good eater, and she seems to be loving real food. We started her on sweet potatoes Monday. About a month ago I'd bought two tiny jars of baby food from Publix because they were on sale, so we started with that. And I'd always said that if I was home I was going to try to make my own baby food, so after a little research on the internet yesterday I went out and bought two sweet potatoes, a bag of carrots, and two ice cube trays. That's it. No expensive baby blender or storage equipment necessary. All I had to do was roast the sweet potatoes, scoop out the flesh, and puree them in the blender with a little bit of water. James scooped the puree into the ice cube tray, wrapped it in plastic wrap and popped it in the freezer. Now we've got individual servings ready to defrost. We'll keep them in a ziploc so the trays can be reused. Since carrots are next on the list we went ahead and peeled, chopped, and steamed the carrots before pureeing them and giving them the ice cube treatment. I'd say we spent about 8 bucks for over 20 meals.

So Mali's breakfast today was homemade sweet potatoes. I think she liked them :)